Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Really Simple Syndication

RSS, or really simple syndication, is a means of getting information from websites without having to visit them. Many websites now provide an RSS feed (a regular stream of new items to read or look at) that is recognizable by the latest browsers and software called RSS readers.

Why Use RSS?
Think of how you read news- you pick up the paper and scan the headlines for things that you find important. With RSS, your browser or reader lets you jump from item to item as you move through the latest news or updates from your favorite websites. If you see anything you like, you can link directly to the original site, and read on from there. If you are having trouble visualizing what a reader looks like, go here and try one out.

Which Websites Provide RSS?
All the best websites now provide RSS. CNN, MS-NBC, for instance, have a vast array of RSS feeds for all your curiosities and interests. If you are fond of Multiply, every single user has an RSS feed available. Even Yahoo! has an embedded RSS system that is integrated in each Yahoo! user's homepage. To add the site to your reader, just click on the RSS link and copy paste the address of the linked page onto your reader.