Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Greetings, greatly esteemed readers.

I almost died laughing at how Hollywood executives were shocked that a "crappy movie" was not a hit at the box office! Check out what I'm talking about here.

Snakes on a Plane seems to have bombed in the U.S. It was unable to mimic the Blair Witch Project's1999 internet-influenced success. Back then, hordes of moviegoers entered the theatres in anticipation of a genuine thriller. In my opinion, Blair Witch was boring, overly hyped, and just plain idiotic. The internet ads got to me, though, which makes me an even greater idiot for watching the film! So I've been on guard ever since. Maybe other people are too.

Snakes on a Plane seems to tell us that a movie's internet mileage will not translate into box office bliss. However, internet traffic does attract advertisers, and popular bloggers are now being enticed by ad companies who would like to place banners on frequently visited urls. The more hits you have, the more valuable you are. So if you think you can attract an audience, and more importanly, consistently keep its attention, your bloggin' ability might just be the skill that pays the bills.

Have a great week!


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